Wednesday, October 7, 2009


Woops. Looks like some time passed by. Hah. I got promoted at work, and ended up working a lot. Like, everyday a lot.

To add on to my previous post, Texas Giant is apparently getting Gerstlauer trains. I don't know much about them, but they don't seem terribly remarkable. I don't really plant to go to Texas anytime soon, so I guess it doesn't really affect me.
Similarly, nobody is really sure if the Son of Beast is done for good or not. It was definitely closed for the rest of the season as of July. I think it could just use some TLC, but that is obvious from my last post.

So, it's the Haunt season!
Unfortunately, I'm a rides person regardless, and not much for "Haunted" attractions. Mostly because people jumping out at me and screaming doesn't really bother me, and I feel like I'm a spoil sport for the actors. Also, if they do manage to scare me, I'd likely hit them. It's lose-lose, so I just don't bother much with it.
During this time of the year, I'd be taking full advantage of the low crowds and visiting parks...but I work every weekend, haha. Alas! Parks are only open on the days I work. I will be going to Six Flags Great Adventure on Columbus day, though, so perhaps I'll do a trip report on here.

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