Tuesday, June 23, 2009

To help make your visit to Steel Force go a lot smoother, I have compiled a list of helpful tactics that you can keep in mind in line, when boarding, and while riding our ride.

  1. Handrails.
    Listen, we want you to make it onto our ride, and not to first aid. So, please do not sit, stand, swing, lick, chew, perform acrobatic maneuvers, or do anything that involves putting the vast majority of your weight, or your mouth, on our handrails.
  2. You must be wearing shoes and a shirt to ride Steel Force.
    We are very aware that you are allowed to take off your shoes on Possessed, Talon, and Hydra. We have a floor on our ride, though. Physics, gravity, and a lot of very intelligent scientists and engineers have concluded that your shoes will NOT fall off on Steel Force, and therefore you must keep them on.As for the shirt… that’s just decency - we are a family park after all.
  3. Electronic devices of any kind are not allowed on any ride at Dorney Park and Wildwater Kingdom.
    Period. End of sentence. Please secure your phone/camera/mp3 player in your pocket for the duration of the ride, or place them in the conveniently placed cabinets in front of you. If we see you on your phone, taking pictures, or listening to your mp3 player on the lift, we are going to stop the ride, and have to ask you to give us your electronic device. You may even get kicked out of the park. You're still on the ride as you come into the station and you will be asked, or even yelled at, to keep your phone/camera away. We realize you paid a lot of money for your device and we don't want you to lose it - or hurt anybody else with it.
  4. Gates do not open automatically.
    None of the gates at Dorney Park open automatically, as far as I know. When we say, “Push on your gates!” 2 to 5 times, please do so. If you’re in any row but the front seat, try pushing (hard) on the upper right hand corner. Front should push left. If you’re too busy talking to notice everybody else walking onto the ride, I don’t want you cursing at me when I have to explain to you that the gates are locked and you’ll have to wait ‘til the next train. We have two and sometimes three trains to run, and we can't always wait for you to notice that it's time to get on.
  5. There are two (2) seats per row.
    There are not 4 seats, or 6 seats per row, but we still have that many people walk in through one queue gate. Please be aware of how many people are in front of you, and allow for only 2 people to board per train. They went right through the seat? The chances are pretty solid that they’re just putting their stuff in the cabinets. If you end up in their seat as they’re doing that, and they turned around to discover this, you are line cutting, and we’re going to have to ask you to walk around.
  6. Sit in the seat you are in line for.
    Oh, look! You say. There is an empty seat over there! Let’s go down there! As luck would have it, the people who were going to ride there were just putting their personal items in the cabinets. And you just took their seat. Again, this is line cutting. It also makes it a lot easier for the attendants when there is nobody in the station and we open the lapbars manually. I don’t want to have to open a car after you just stood in the same spot for 5 minutes, for you to just go to a different seat in a car I already opened, or didn’t open. What’s easier for us means you get to ride faster.
  7. There are seatbelts and lapbars on Steel Force.
    Shocking, I realize. So, when you sit in your seat, please buckle your seatbelt first, and then pull your lapbar down towards you. You need both. The lapbar only goes down so far, but that’s why there is a seatbelt! And you’ll be fine, even if the lapbar isn’t touching you. There are kids who just barely make the 48” height requirement and they have all managed to come back alive. This week.
  8. Seatbelts are recoiling.
    Your seatbelt may appear to be too short, or not tight enough. But instead of panicking and yelling at me as I’m closing the gates, sit tight and rest assured: we are not going to send the train until we’ve checked you. I will get to you, eventually, if none of the other attendants do so first. In the mean time, you could attempt the following maneuver to make your seatbelt work properly:
    -Notice where the belt is coming from.
    -Attempt to push belt into the previously mentioned hole.
    -Do so until the belt is in to the base, with the gray flap sticking out.

  9. No rerides.
    There’s nobody in the station. More importantly, there’s nobody in line for the seat you’re in. I’m sorry, and this is genuine, I’m really sorry, but you have to get out and go around. We actually got in trouble for allowing rerides when there was nobody in line, and now we have to make everybody get out and go around. It would be much more convenient for us and for you if we could, but we cannot. Again, I apologize for the inconvenience. The main reason for this is that some kid might see you reride, not knowing that you only did so because there was nobody there, and then try to reride when there is somebody behind him. It will cause an unbelievable scene, and it's not really fair to the riders who come on later.
  10. Talk to the attendants!
    When I say talk to us, I mean make conversation. Don't be a condescending jerk towards us. As surprising as it may be, we're people, too. If we aren't smiling, it's probably not your fault, but somebody else's. I try to talk to guests, especially those I notice riding repeatedly, and keep up a smile, but in the morning, it just isn't happening. If you want to know something ask us! If we don't know, we probably know somebody who does. We're here to make your day go well, as long as you don't break the rules. :)
    And for Pete's sake, cheer when we ask you how your ride was. Please! XD
There you have it! Follow those rules and you should have a very enjoyable ride on Steel Force.

1 comment:

  1. I know this is an old post, and I'm hoping you see this. I'm wondering why you can't have electronic devices on the rides? Not that I plan on doing so (I don't want to lose my phone! It's a cheapy, but I still don't want to replace it!) but a friend told me that she pulled out her camera and they actually stopped the ride, climbed up and confiscated her camera. At first I couldn't believe it, but I see that it is true. But I'm looking online (purely out of curiosity) and can't find any info on WHY this might be.

    Is it a 'loose articles' thing? (An operator made me put my purse (which was looped around my leg and I knew it wasn't going anywhere) in the locker on Steel Force (I didn't like leaving it, but didn't mind really, because I understood why even though *I* knew it wasn't going anywhere and I'd ridden before with it.)

    I LOVE Steel Force by the way, I call it the Cadillac of roller coasters, lol. Seriously, padded armrests? AWESOME! Talon is my other favorite. Followed by Hydra, but that one gives me a headache!
